Scoring Clinic a Great Launching Pad for Aspiring Official Scorers
The International Baseball Federation (IBAF) and the Hong Kong Baseball Association (HKBA) recently co-hosted a Scoring Clinic in Hong Kong on 31 May~2 June 2014 . The three-day clinic was well-attended by Official Scorers from countries such as Australia, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Anna Maria Paini, Scoring Director of IBAF, was in town for the Scoring Clinic and the Italian spoke about the reasoning behind organizing such a clinic in Hong Kong. “We currently have approximately 15 Official Scorers in our system and therefore we want to develop more Official Scorers in order to prepare for future IBAF events, (Read more)
Anna Maria Paini, Scoring Director of IBAF, was in town for the Scoring Clinic and the Italian spoke about the reasoning behind organizing such a clinic in Hong Kong. “We currently have approximately 15 Official Scorers in our system and therefore we want to develop more Official Scorers in order to prepare for future IBAF events, (Read more)
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