Postponement of 2016 Annual General Meeting due to Typhoon
Updated at 16:00, 21 October 2016: Due to the impact of Tropical Cyclone HAIMA, the scheduled 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hong Kong Baseball Association Limited that to be held this evening on 21 October 2016 has been cancelled. The AGM will be postponed to Friday, 28 October 2016, 7:30p.m., 1/F., Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
Posted on 30 September 2016: The notice convening the 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Baseball Association Limited is attached. Whether or not you are able to attend the meeting, you are requested to complete the accompanying Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and return it to the office of the Association at Room 1003, 1/F., Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong as soon as possible and in any event not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or any adjourned meeting. Completion and return of the Form of Proxy will not preclude you from subsequently attending and voting in person at the meeting if you so wish.
Posted on 30 September 2016: The notice convening the 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Baseball Association Limited is attached. Whether or not you are able to attend the meeting, you are requested to complete the accompanying Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and return it to the office of the Association at Room 1003, 1/F., Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong as soon as possible and in any event not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or any adjourned meeting. Completion and return of the Form of Proxy will not preclude you from subsequently attending and voting in person at the meeting if you so wish.
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