Guidelines for Gradual Resumption of Baseball Activities

In response to the further relaxation of Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation and the resumption of sports facilities, our baseball activities will gradually resume. When you attending the activities, all participants including coaches and officials are required to follow the guidelines as below:

1. To check body temperature when you arrive at the venue, if your temperature is over 37.5 C, please take a rest in an isolated area; measure your temperature again after 10 minutes. If the temperature stays high, should consult the doctor as soon as possible. Coach/official should record the temperature of everyone on the attendance sheet and send it to our officer on the same day for the record;
2. To stay 1 metre away from each other;
3. Don’t share personal belongings or drinks;
4. Avoid touching your face;
5. If feeling unwell during the activities, please inform the coach.

For any questions, please contact our officer at 2504 8330 during office hours or email us at

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