School Application

Name in Chinese *
(If Chinese name is not available, please copy your English name in the fields.)
Family Name
First Name

Name in English*
Last Name
First Name

Gender*   Male       Female
Year of Birth*
Primary Email Address*
Contact Phone No.*
(SMS accessible)

School Information

Liaison Person Information

Team Name Division Team Manager Team Coach Latest participated BAHKC activities
Date (YY.MM) Name of Event


Max. file size: 10Mb

Notes to Applicants

  1. Applicants/applicants aged under 18 and their parents/guardians will be deemed to have read and agreed to abide by the provisions set out in the prospectus/the enrolment form once the enrolment is submitted.
  2. Applicants shall complete all part, sign the declaration and tick the appropriate box(es). If an application contains incomplete or inaccurate information, or if there is duplicate submission of enrolment, the application will not be considered and no notice will be given.
  3. The information provided will only be used by the BAHKC for purposes relating to enrolment, announcement of acceptance results, compilation of statistics, future contact and opinion survey. Only staff duly authorised by the BAHKC will be given access to your personal data. For correction of or access to the personal data you have submitted, please contact the staff of the BAHKC Secretariat. (Tel: 2504 8330 Email:

Data Retention and Deletion

The sign-up information will retain on the BAHKC Online Registration System for record. If a user wants to delete the registered account, please email BAHKC at

Image Release Consent

In consideration of participation in the program to be organized by the Baseball Association of Hong Kong, China (BAHKC), the undersigned agrees that the likeness, or the likeness of the minor child/ward may be photographed or videotaped and that such image may be used in BAHKC's publications, including its website or social networking platforms to promote or publicize the sports or program.

Personal Responsibility Declaration

I, for myself, my heirs, administrators and/or for the minor on whose behalf I am signing, hereby: waive all claims, expenses, rights, demands and actions of any nature for any personal injury to myself/ourselves or to a third party by myself/ourselves, or for any loss or damage sustained to my/our equipment or possessions arising from or in connection with my/our participation in baseball games organized and/or arranged by the BAHKC, their officials, servants and agents, or other Association members.