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Annual General Meeting 2012 – Chairman’s Report
Other Regional Games games to compete for the representation of Hong Kong
to play the overseas tournaments.
The HKBA co-ordinated and arranged the participation
of its affiliated baseball clubs in the following regional In total, 90 teams played the local games, an increase
and international games held in Taiwan and Japan of 22% over last year.
Squad Training
1) Taipei International AA Baseball Invitational
Tournament 2011 The HKBA continued to make its best efforts to upgrade
2) The 14th Jhu-luo Shan International Cup Boys the local baseball standard by providing various training
Nankyu Baseball Championship 2011 classes and clinics. Enhancement Training Scheme,
3) Penghu International “A” Nankyu Baseball Age Group Squad Training Programme, Women
Championship 2012 Squad Training course were also held. The Elite Feeder
4) Maple Leaf “A” Baseball Championships 2012 and System was introduced in the reported period, where
“AAA” Baseball Invitational Tournament 2012 a separated funding was granted by LCSD, for the
5) The 5th Kurashiki International Girls and Boys training youth players to reach the national team’s level.
Baseball Game There were 60 boys and 60 girls from secondary schools
taking part in the tryout.
Apart from the above games, the HKBA selected players
aged under 12 to attend the 2nd Cross-Straits Baseball District & School Promotion
Tournament 2012 held in Taipei.
i) District Promotion
Local Games HKBA continued making its best efforts to promote
baseball to all age groups. In addition to providing
School League training for children, youth and adult, a parent and
After the inclusion of the Secondary Schools Baseball child baseball course was introduced so that parents
League in the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Festival of could have the knowledge and skill to share the fun of
Sport, the number of participating schools increased baseball with their children.
to 14 (including 4 girls teams) teams from 9 teams in
2011. The first ever university baseball tournament Women’s baseball training was enhanced by an
was organized by HKBA. Hong Kong Baptist University addition of 4 classes that a total of 48 training classes
beat Hong Kong Polytechnic University to take the were taught. Over 1,600 enrollment applications were
representation of Hong Kong to play the All China received, an increase of 15% over last year.
University Baseball Tournament 2012.
ii) School Promotion
Open League By introducing the Joint Schools Sports Training
The response to the local leagues was encouraging, Programme in the School Sports Programme with 71
59 teams showed up in the respective open league for training programmes via HKBA and the subvention of
men, women and children: LCSD, it was successfully in increasing the popularity
of baseball to the local primary, secondary schools and
1) Men Open: there were 6 teams in A grade (5 teams special schools.
last year); 18 teams in B grade (same as last year)
2) Women Open: no grading; 9 teams (7 teams last year) Coach, Umpire and Scorer Training
3) Grade C: 6 mixed teams played in this new division Over the past 20 years, HKBA had trained more than 350
4) Novice Tournament: 20 teams (19 teams last year) qualified coaches, umpires and scorers. About 80 coaches
in the respective division for children, youth, men were actively involved in giving training classes for players
and women. of local leagues and school teams in different levels.
Other Local Competition More than 50 umpires and scorers provided their
The Age-Group Elite Baseball Invitational Tournament, professional services in the local competitions. In view of
being an event in the Bank of China (Hong Kong) the high standard of some umpires, IBAF and BFA had
Festival of Sports had 8 teams played; and 9 teams invited them to judge in the international and regional
respectively played the “A”/12U & “AA”/15U qualifying tournaments, including the Asian Games and Women’s
World Cup.
08 RUN Issue 74 Third Quarter 2012/13
Other Regional Games games to compete for the representation of Hong Kong
to play the overseas tournaments.
The HKBA co-ordinated and arranged the participation
of its affiliated baseball clubs in the following regional In total, 90 teams played the local games, an increase
and international games held in Taiwan and Japan of 22% over last year.
Squad Training
1) Taipei International AA Baseball Invitational
Tournament 2011 The HKBA continued to make its best efforts to upgrade
2) The 14th Jhu-luo Shan International Cup Boys the local baseball standard by providing various training
Nankyu Baseball Championship 2011 classes and clinics. Enhancement Training Scheme,
3) Penghu International “A” Nankyu Baseball Age Group Squad Training Programme, Women
Championship 2012 Squad Training course were also held. The Elite Feeder
4) Maple Leaf “A” Baseball Championships 2012 and System was introduced in the reported period, where
“AAA” Baseball Invitational Tournament 2012 a separated funding was granted by LCSD, for the
5) The 5th Kurashiki International Girls and Boys training youth players to reach the national team’s level.
Baseball Game There were 60 boys and 60 girls from secondary schools
taking part in the tryout.
Apart from the above games, the HKBA selected players
aged under 12 to attend the 2nd Cross-Straits Baseball District & School Promotion
Tournament 2012 held in Taipei.
i) District Promotion
Local Games HKBA continued making its best efforts to promote
baseball to all age groups. In addition to providing
School League training for children, youth and adult, a parent and
After the inclusion of the Secondary Schools Baseball child baseball course was introduced so that parents
League in the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Festival of could have the knowledge and skill to share the fun of
Sport, the number of participating schools increased baseball with their children.
to 14 (including 4 girls teams) teams from 9 teams in
2011. The first ever university baseball tournament Women’s baseball training was enhanced by an
was organized by HKBA. Hong Kong Baptist University addition of 4 classes that a total of 48 training classes
beat Hong Kong Polytechnic University to take the were taught. Over 1,600 enrollment applications were
representation of Hong Kong to play the All China received, an increase of 15% over last year.
University Baseball Tournament 2012.
ii) School Promotion
Open League By introducing the Joint Schools Sports Training
The response to the local leagues was encouraging, Programme in the School Sports Programme with 71
59 teams showed up in the respective open league for training programmes via HKBA and the subvention of
men, women and children: LCSD, it was successfully in increasing the popularity
of baseball to the local primary, secondary schools and
1) Men Open: there were 6 teams in A grade (5 teams special schools.
last year); 18 teams in B grade (same as last year)
2) Women Open: no grading; 9 teams (7 teams last year) Coach, Umpire and Scorer Training
3) Grade C: 6 mixed teams played in this new division Over the past 20 years, HKBA had trained more than 350
4) Novice Tournament: 20 teams (19 teams last year) qualified coaches, umpires and scorers. About 80 coaches
in the respective division for children, youth, men were actively involved in giving training classes for players
and women. of local leagues and school teams in different levels.
Other Local Competition More than 50 umpires and scorers provided their
The Age-Group Elite Baseball Invitational Tournament, professional services in the local competitions. In view of
being an event in the Bank of China (Hong Kong) the high standard of some umpires, IBAF and BFA had
Festival of Sports had 8 teams played; and 9 teams invited them to judge in the international and regional
respectively played the “A”/12U & “AA”/15U qualifying tournaments, including the Asian Games and Women’s
World Cup.
08 RUN Issue 74 Third Quarter 2012/13